Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Sunday, November 01, 2009
Saturday, October 31, 2009
Monday, October 26, 2009
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Sunday, June 07, 2009
Letter From Debbie Lee Gold Star Mom On This Memorial Day 2009

Marc Alan Lee, US Navy Seal and My Son.
This morning I received an e-mail about another family who had lost their son in Iraq and were struggling to find answers. I responded to send my condolences, love and support. I inquired about their fallen hero, and as I typed out the words, I could feel the tears starting to fall. I thought about their family, knowing all too well what they were going through, and what was ahead of them in the days and months to follow.
My mind wandered back to August 2, 2006 when I learned of Marc's death. I have never known such deep pain or grief. At times it seems as though it was just yesterday, and at times it feels as though it has been forever since I saw Marc's smile or heard his voice. I never would have imagined that his willing sacrifice would put me on a path traveling across the world: thanking, honoring and supporting our troops, their families, and the families of the fallen.
I've been blessed to be part of Move America Forward for more than2 years and have traveled on 5 cross-country tours, to Iraq and Guantanamo. Along the way I have met the most amazing patriots and Vets, so many Gold Star families who have lost a loved one and share in understanding the loss.
Please this Memorial Day as you remember the fallen, remember and pray for the
families who have given their very best, and sacrificed everything for our country.
Troops Remember Their Fallen Comrades:
Support Them On Memorial Day
The families aren't the only ones that grieve deeply for our fallen warriors. I have grown to love and understand Marc's teammates, adopting them as my own sons. I have seen the grief and loss that they feel and it is just as real. I have traveled across the world since Marc's death and met thousands of our troops who are serving and I hear the same stories, how much they miss their fallen comrades. My visits to Arlington have introduced me to many of these young men and women who are at the graveside remembering their buddies. I understand why they call each other “brothers at arms.” The connection that is made when you train, live and fight together, and rely on each other is like none I've ever seen.
Our brave troops sacrifice more than most people can begin to comprehend. I know as my son Kristofer served in the Marines, my son-in-law Christopher served in the Army, and Marc as a Navy SEAL. It's not unusual that many of our troops are on their 3rd deployment. My brother who is in the Air Force is in Iraq right now on his 6th deployment.
Please help me shower these brave warriors with love from a grateful nation by sending a care package. You can personalize a note to encourage them and it goes on every single item in the care package. Can you imagine every time they pick up something out of the box they are reminded they are not alone that we are thinking of them and praying for them?
So many young men and women are still on the battlefields in Iraq and Afghanistan this Memorial Day. Many of them have lost a friend in battle, or have lost someone in their unit. They won't be able to visit their buddies’ graves at home, but they still will be grieving and thinking of them this Memorial Day.
Will you join with me and let them know that we care, that we understand, and that
we love and appreciate them by sending a care package this Memorial Day?
I'm so grateful, as we approach Memorial Day, that we have men and women who willingly place themselves in harm’s way to defend us, our nation, and our freedoms! Thank you! We are the country we are today only because of all of those who served and those who paid the ultimate price. Thank them and honor them this Memorial Day.
I will always remember.
Debbie Lee
Friday, May 29, 2009
Friday, May 01, 2009
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Del Mar View of Pacific Ocean
The home stretch home sweet home to where I use to work/live-Del Mar! Breath taking view of Pacific Ocean!
Sunday, April 12, 2009
Friday, March 27, 2009
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Sunday, March 08, 2009
Saturday, March 07, 2009
Wednesday, March 04, 2009
Tuesday, March 03, 2009
Friday, February 27, 2009
"Wall of Honor" at Oceanside Walmart. Many of these wonderful Marines/Soldiers are family members or members themselves who work at Walmart. Anyone can bring in a pic of a Marine or soldier and have them put it on the "Wall of Honor" for everyone to see as they check out and leave the store. Also you can get a pic put on a nice Patriotic blanket. Go to the photo shop at Walmart. God bless our Marines, Army, Airforce, Navy, Coast Guard and National Guard who so valiantly fight for our country and it's protection and freedom!
Thursday, February 26, 2009
This is where I stay on my days off. It's Motel 6 in beautiful Carlsbad, California. And I found out the very first CPAC was held at a Motel 6 in 1974! Is that wonderful or what. Well, let me tell you. You can get a room for one single for two nights at about $116 including tax at Motel 6. Sometimes the price is lower but that is average for around here. Compare that to onward up from $69 for a dive maybe, and usually not less than $100 for a Hotel room per night in Southern California. So anyone that may be thinking I am stupid I think I am a pretty wise woman and spend my money wisely or use Motel 6 for some other "occupation" in which it was suggested I may think twice about talking about Motel 6 whether kiddingly or more for big brotherly advice was trying to "help me". Thank you but and I do forgive just keep scratching my head over that one because it was so silly and really hurt my feelings that someone would think such things and have to audacity to twitter it! I forgive you Mailgeek. But I live my life out in the open for all to see. I am not so stupid as to tell exact locations, etc. But I may someday. I live my life before the world. Anyone wants to take a magnifying glass and look up my ass feel free too do so. I won't bite LOL! I'll even provide you with a REAL birth certificate when the time comes LOL!
Now, now Wanda! Don't be gettin' yourself a "reputation" others might say. Excuse me? I don't get it! You ever hear those words to the song "if you don't know me by now you will never never never know me"?
Monday, February 23, 2009
Sunset off Del Mar in Southern California. This was taken about 5:30pm PT approximately four blocks from the ocean on a hill. This is our view everyday except when I have two days off and go away. The sunsets vary but they can be more intensely beautiful or just average beautiful like this one. You can see the tree tops and ocean right above the tree tops. God bless America even California. I pray God turns things around in California as well as America. But I will continue to do what I can do and also pray.