Saturday, February 28, 2009

Oceanside Harbor from inside "Joe's Crab Shack"

Oceanside Harbor from inside "Joe's Crab Shack"

View of Oceanside Harbor from inside "Joe's Crab Shack"

Carlsbad, California February 28, 2009

Friday, February 27, 2009

Had a nice little workout at 24 Hour Fitness!  Feels so good and need to keep at it!  I have some more getting in shape to do but it will happen as I keep at it!  Start early.  Don't wait until you are fifty.  But if you are over fifty get going!  I keep getting younger and younger every day!  :)

"Wall of Honor" at Oceanside Walmart.  Many of these wonderful Marines/Soldiers are family members or members themselves who work at Walmart.  Anyone can bring in a pic of a Marine or soldier and have them put it on the "Wall of Honor" for everyone to see as they check out and leave the store.  Also you can get a pic put on a nice Patriotic blanket.  Go to the photo shop at Walmart.  God bless our Marines, Army, Airforce, Navy, Coast Guard and National Guard who so valiantly fight for our country and it's protection and freedom!

Yep!  I went to Walmart today!  

Gas prices today Friday February 27, 2009 in San Diego County.  

Thursday, February 26, 2009

This is where I stay on my days off.  It's Motel 6 in beautiful Carlsbad, California.  And I found out the very first CPAC was held at a Motel 6 in 1974!  Is that wonderful or what.  Well, let me tell you.  You can get a room for one single for two nights at about $116 including tax at Motel 6. Sometimes the price is lower but that is average for around here.  Compare that to onward up from $69 for a dive maybe, and usually not less than $100 for a Hotel room per night in Southern California.  So anyone that may be thinking I am stupid I think I am a pretty wise woman and spend my money wisely or use Motel 6 for some other "occupation" in which it was suggested I may think twice about talking about Motel 6 whether kiddingly or more for big brotherly advice was trying to "help me".  Thank you but and I do forgive just keep scratching my head over that one because it was so silly and really hurt my feelings that someone would think such things and have to audacity to twitter it!  I forgive you Mailgeek.  But I live my life out in the open for all to see.  I am not so stupid as to tell exact locations, etc.   But I may someday.  I live my life before the world.  Anyone wants to take a magnifying glass and look up my ass feel free too do so.  I won't bite LOL!  I'll even provide you with a REAL birth certificate when the time comes LOL!

Now, now Wanda!  Don't be gettin' yourself a "reputation" others might say.  Excuse me?  I don't get it!  You ever hear those words to the song "if you don't know me by now you will never never never know me"?  

Monday, February 23, 2009

Sunset off Del Mar in Southern California.  This was taken about 5:30pm PT approximately four blocks from the ocean on a hill.  This is our view everyday except when I have two days off and go away.  The sunsets vary but they can be more intensely beautiful or just average beautiful like this one.  You can see the tree tops and ocean right above the tree tops.  God bless America even California.  I pray God turns things around in California as well as America.  But I will continue to do what I can do and also pray.